The U.S. military have been using the force to destroy the Russian enemy since the late ’70s. The 1st Earth Battalion of Warrior Shamans led by the U.S. military’s guru Lieutenant Jim Shannon have begun a trend of incorporating Psi into U.S. military doctrine (Channel 4, Crazy Rulers of the World) A top secret is that Stanford Research Institute carried out research into contacting the Council of Nine, described by Tolkien in Lord of the Rings as the: Nine Ring Wraiths, and in Egyptian magic as the Nine Supreme Rulers, if order to control reality, psychokinesis, to further U.S. interests.


The use of the nine demonic entities of the Council of Nine, fed by U.S. collateral damage in numerous wars has enabled U.S. Psi-Masters working in the Pentagon to emulate Jedi such as Darth Vader, neos of the Matrix persuasion or Gandalf/Sauran like wizards of popular U.S. films. The voice of the Council of Nine has enabled the U.S. military to psychokinetically command the Russians to dismantle the Soviet Union, surrender Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan to U.S. control and to stop Russia intervening in Iran, Afghanistan and the Lebanon. This super secret technology of darkside Psi is now available to the Warrior Shaman as Tim Rifat is the Master of Psychotronics and thanks to democracy , freedom of information as well as the capitalist ethic, beloved of the U.S., all Americans can now share in this technology to further their interests.


To use this U.S. military Psi technology the Psi-adept needs a BSRI-Engine.

Protocols to use the Darkside Force.

Place the BSRI-E in a circle around your chair as shown on website photo, bases of PCs pointing out, BPCs at their points. To use the darkside force, as it is, the force that gives the West dominance over reality, is as corrupting, as the nine insectile entities, ring wraiths of myth, the rulers of the nine realities of the Matrix:-

Human Physical
Plant Physical
Insect Physical
Human/dark energy
Plant/dark energy
Insect/dark energy
Dark matter animal
Dark matter plant
Dark matter insectile

The BSRI-E needs to be charged for safe use of the darkside Force. The Psi-adept should project their remote viewing awareness into the N°1 BSRI-E PC/BPC and use it to possess the 9th dark matter insectile ruler, Lord of the ring wraiths controlling this Master of the Council of Nine by use of the N°1 PC/BPC.

You should then force this Lord of the Council of Nine into the N°9 BSRI-E PC/BPC. This ruins the energy flow from our reality to the insectiles realm, in fact short circuiting the flow and blowing up the Matrix. Repeat as below:

Dark matter plant insectile ruler coerced into the N°8 BSRI-E PC/BPC
Dark matter animal insectile ruler coerced into the N°7 BSRI-E PC/BPC
Insect/dark energy ruler coerced into the N°6 BSRI-E PC/BPC
Plant/dark energy ruler coerced into the N°5 BSRI-E PC/BPC
Human/dark energy ruler coerced into the N° BSRI-E PC/BPC
Insect physical ruler coerced into the N°3 BSRI-E PC/BPC
Plant physical ruler coerced into the N°2 BSRI-E PC/BPC
Human physical ruler coerced into the N°1 BSRI-E PC/BPC

Once the BRSI-E is primed with the scrambled Council of Nine, insectiles, ring wraiths…, the evil forces are shredded and turned into torture shells, negative energy versions of their original forms. Now the darkside Force can safely be used for profit without the Council of Nine possessing and corrupting the Psi-adept, the reverse occurs the Psi-adept’s will corrupting and possessing the Nine ring Wraiths (they are made from ring-vortex torsionic solitons composed of dark energy/matter) Sitting in your BSRI-E power circle you can now use the nine Wraiths as vehicles for your RV, RS, RI and psychokinesis. Simply project your biophysical body into the nine BSRI-E PCs to use the nine ring wraiths as vehicles for your will. This procedure controls the minds of men (rather like Sauron in the Lord of the Rings) as all men are servants of the insectiles due to possession. Project all nine ring wraiths into their nine chakras (feet to nine chakra, above head) These chakras pin the biophysical body of the human to the Matrix in an inverted position to hold it helpless. Since the biophysical body is the mind of that person you then control their minds – simple as that. The U.S. military used it to tell  Gorbochev to dismantle the Soviet Union, Yeltsin to sell off Russian to the Rothschilds, Putin to let all the old Soviet Republics to be gobbled up as Nato fortresses… One can see the power of this technique to the warrior Shamens of the U.S. military. All RV, RS, RI techniques, such as in my RI mind control course, are now directly inputted into the target and you can repeat the process with as many humans as possible. As the Matrix controls it’s human wage/slaves, overseers using this technique is it impossible for the technique to be stopped. By this means the Psi-adept takes over the Matrix by bioinformational warfare subverting the nine wraiths and their slaves by use of the BSRI-E the Ultimate RI.


To complete the positive use of the darkside Force the Psi-adept now progresses to the BSRI-E BPCs, to control physical reality using psychokinesis. Repeat the scrambling protocols on the 9 BPCs in the centre of your PC circle (see photo of BSRI-E) to turn the nine insectile ring wraiths into physical torture shells. power your BSRI-E from the Matrix you then feed the heads of the G8 countries into the BSRI-E to use the Matrix ‘money in God meme’ as psychotronic fuel. The human (physical reality) country being fed off in Russia, slowly being eaten alive to fuel the anglo-demonic reality, (BSRI-E engine N°9) the flow is then through the USA (N°8 BSRI-E) collapsing under fiscal debt – the greatest in history, through the Japanese into the Europeans, Italy to the richest the UK (N°8 BSRI-E) to the Rothschilds the physical analogue of the King ring wraith, owners of the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, IMF, World Bank, backers of the Russian digurchs (N°1 BSRI-E) Simply place the Rothschilds into the N°9 BSRI-E and the Russians into the N°1 BSRI-E. This reverses the flow of energy from human to insectile dark energy/matter to insectile dark energy/matter to human. The BPCs will now use this psychotronic fuel and the nine ring wraith torture shells are tools for psychokinesis.


To use project your RV body into the BPCs in order N°1 to N°9. You now have nine physical RV ring wraith vehicles to use. Simply project into target human’s physical energy centres (as described in Castaneda’s ‘Magical Passes) the head vortex is for the N°9 BPC wraith, then throat vortex N°8, adrenal right N°7, adrenal left N°6 kidney right N°5, kidney left N°4, womb or testicles, as applicable N°3, liver N°2, pancreas N°1. You then project your super boosted RV physical vehicle into their fringe of awareness that resides around their feet (Castaneda: Active side of Infinity) This fringe of awareness controls all aspects of their physical reality and by controlling it you control their reality. You can give them good or bad luck, heal or hurt…. it is the key to psychokinesis, the control of someone’s reality remotely. Since you are collecting negative Karma by doing this, the counterfeit crystals sold by common swindles on the internet have been programmed by myself, Lord of Psychotronics, to download your negative Karma into the makers and users of these counterfeit rubbish, as well as talismans, amulets… this enables the Warrior Shaman to practise RI and Psychokinesis without blowback – the process backfiring. Since these counterfeiters have willingly taken this Karma by intellectual property theft, I have given them all the negative Karma of the human race so they serve a useful purpose. Now the Warrior Shaman can be Master of the Darkside Force without it mastering him or her.