The original Star Wars films acted as impetus for the US. military to strive to develop Darth Vader – like special Ops soldiers. Jedi Project tried to incubate these powers in their soldiers. U.S. remote viewers admit the Soviet Union was Remotely Influenced to destroy itself a process which is continuing to this present day in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Ukraine and Afghanistan…


In Castaneda’s books the Shaman Don Juan states that only Nagual men and women, those that have four lobes in their energy bodies, rather than the normal two, can channel the true power of the Force (will, intent, stalking…) and enable the Matrix to be banished (Eagles Gift, Castaneda) Since Nagual humans are extremely rare, where does this leave the aspiring Psi-adept? I personally have never met a European who was a Nagual male – these being almost non-existent. Having the 26 heterotic string cyclotron to feed energy into your biophysical and physical bodies an never enable you to reach the Nagual state, Jedi Master… or Darth Vader – like darkside powers, unless you have the 4 lobed energy body. To overcome this deficiency in devolved modern man (Naguals were common in the past circa 10,000 BC) the Superpower PCs were developed.

Having met the Tenant, the Nagual darkside Master and stripped him of his power (Art of Dreaming, The Fire Within: Castaneda) I can now supply the 4 lobed energy body to Psi-adepts incorporated into the 4 PCs (biophysical body) and 4 BPCs (physical body) Since the Tenant tried to steal my energy, like counterfeiters such as Paul Hughes Barlow tried to steal my intellectual property… the 4 lobed Nagual bodies made from the Super Power octet of psychotronic amplifiers, can dump negative Karma into the Tenant and counterfeiters so the aspiring Darth Vader can be as malevolent as possible without the Force backfiring on him.


The energy of the BSRI-E in it’s darkside mode as previously explained can power the Warrior Shaman who wishes to use the darkside of the Force like the U.S. military. Feeding this power into an augmented 4 lobed biophysical and 4 lobed physical body enables all aspects of the Force to be manifested by the Warrior Shaman who wishes to use the darkside of the Force.


The darkside Force binds the anglo-demonic dream together to form the dream made solid: the reality of illuminati paper money worshipped as God and to which the wage slave gives their soul, spirit, mind and body.  Energetically the anglo-demonic Matrix is a chequerboard of dark energy/matter superimposed over the light energy/matter of humanity. This chequerboard can be seen on all British Police insignia as it imprisons humans in the anglo- demonic reality. The Psi-adept must turn the darkside of the Force, the energy ley line, earth energy, dark energy/matter… fabric of the Matrix to:

a. Free himself from the Matrix
b. Make the dream of reality malleable for psychokinesis
c. To disempower the demons of the Matrix which seek to repair the rift in the Matrix.

To turn the darkside of the Force of the Matrix one puts the 9 BSRI-E PCs in a circle around your sitting position BPCs inside at their points as in the photo onsite (RV Science). Configure them in the scrambled mode as described previously in Warrior Shaman, Lord of the Wraiths shredded and placed in N°9 BSRI-E, dark matter plant wraith shredded and trapped in N°8 BSRI-E PCs… This process turns the darkside of the Force setting it afire liberating energy. Inside the 9 BSRI-E PCs place the four Superpower PCs point facing your chair at the Cardinal points, BPCs at their points (North-Spirit, South-Mind, West-Soul, East-Body) This then links with the 9 BSRI-E PCs to form a 13 by 13 series of vortex which destroy the chequerboard dark energy/matter of the Matrix around you.


The chequerboard is formed from 12 by 13 chequerboards of the Enochian anglo-demonic magic used to concretise this reality in Elizabethan times. It consists of all energy going to the dark matter realm, the 13th rank. The other 8 realities in the Matrix plus the mind, body, soul, and spirit of  4 lobed Naguals is used to power the chequerboard prison in 12 by 12 configurations. This energy is then degraded by normal humans the 2 lobed biophysical and 2 lobed physical giving the: Earth, Air, Fire, Water hoards of Enochian anglo-demonic magic, all fed from the few Nagual beings tricked into supplying the energy for the dream.


That is why the dark energy/matter beings in Castaneda’s ‘Art of Dreaming’ are so desperate to kidnap, steal from energy, corrupt… Nagual beings the capstone of their anglo-demonic Matrix, inverted to form the downward spiral of awareness we call the world milieu.


Simply sitting in the 13 PCs of BSRI-E, 4 Superpowers dumps energy into the Psi-adept which he or she can use for RI, RV, RS, psychokinesis or telekinesis. Energy is everything to the Psi-adept and this is the best way for the Warrior Shaman to gain Mastery over the darkside of the Force. In the next article we will see how to use all this darkside force and wield psychic swords (anti-demon PCs, BPCs) to cut holes in the Matrix for psychokinesis.