Psychic Warrior Shaman

Russian research into psychotronics the study of psychic phenomena and altered states of consciousness opens up a Pandora’s box of new possibilities; all of this being known to our ancestors in ancient Egypt, and Neolithic man who used stone circles to amplify psychic power. RVScience is the first scientific study of the world underlying Consensus reality, the Matrix using remote viewing as a tool to uncover what happens to us after death, the real nature of man and the use of stone in the form of pyramids and power circles to amplify and prolong human awareness. Modern Russian research in torsion fields, unknown knowledge in the Western mains team, shows that military scientists are beginning to uncover the military potential of ancient knowledge – psychotronics. The War on Terror is now the frontline of this new remote killing technology and remote influencing science used by the U.S. Military to destroy the Soviet Union.

The use of remote killing until the break-up of the Soviet Union was a purely Russian skill. Margaret Thatcher’s strokes were the use of telekinesis to rupture the brain capillaries, Ronald Reagan’s dementia. The use of torsion field technology to aggregate his brain psions. Now with the fall of the Soviet Union remote killing technology is being used by China, North Korea, Iran… GW Bush’s series of micro-strokes –  as revealed by White House insiders are characteristic of remote killing, rupturing brain capillaries’ Blair and Cheney’s heart conditions have been caused and exasperated respectively by RI on the brain’s insular cortex. With the wide dissemination of this technology the terrorist now has the ability to decapitate the heads of the West by use of remote killing. Spread of this technology to the economic field and it’s use on the market makers will change the face of the world.

Russian research has identified the human being as  a three part entity: physical field called biotronic, living field called bioplasmic – soul, and spirit field calling bioinformational – used for remote viewing. Sophisticated scanners derived from torsion field technology enable these fields to be studied. The author has identified the assemblage point, the focussing field that keeps the human in the Matrix. Movement of this assemblage point changes reality for the perceiver enabling altered states of consciousness, if moved for enough bilocation is enabled. The science behind the human condition allows the reader to understand the true nature of soul and spirit. PCs enabled the user to move his assemblage point to enter new dimensions of consciousness- the so called Shamanic states, dreamtime or levels of the U.S. Monroe Institute. The revelation that soul and spirit are torsion field effects and the Russian military have developed torsion field weapons opens a new chapter on the War on Terror as Moslem terrorists take this new knowledge on board, and the Chinese use it to destroy the U.S. as the U.S. did to the Soviets.

The ancient Egyptians believed in two souls, the Ba-soul and Ka-spirit. The aim of the pyramid was as a psychotronic generator to unite soul and spirit so, that the dead human could live happily in the afterlife. The shape and stone structure of the pyramid were vital for this soul spirit fusion. The author has discovered the rationale behind this procedure. Explanation is given of the negative and positive nature of biophysical fields, the former decaying, the latter growing with time. instructions give the ability to scan the afterlife to see where Westerners go when they are dead, the process of death and the decay of soul and spirit that ensues – something the ancient Egyptians learnt to combat.

The cycle of birth, life and death is only part of a grand scheme in which Man’s awareness is trapped. The awareness of the dead is a stage in the downward spiral of consciousness as it becomes part of the chaotic cycle of negative entities which masquerade as angles and demons to fit in with humans’ primitive mind set and pre-conceptions. The cycle of reincarnation is based on Feigenhaum period dwelling, the care of the Science of Chaos and the six extraordinary sets of Set Theory; the basis of M theory the latest advance in theoretical physics. Creatures such as the Crey’s and Reptiloids are just denizens of this otherworld, the former having once been human before their fall into this chaos cycle. Understanding the principles underlying the Matrix enables the RV Scientist to free his/her awareness from the stullifying fate which man is damned with.

As we have seen RI can be used for killing, it can also be used for healing using exactly the same methods. Cancer is caused by oncogeses – cancer genes, RI can switch genes on and off by manipulating the human morphogenic field. Morphogenic manipulation can also be used on tissue degeneration such as heart, liver and kidney failure to regrow the organ. This technique can also be used to alter metabolism to make fat people thinner, or grow fat tissue for larger breasts. Altering DNA can modify the immune system to enable it to combat disease better, the same technique can be used to boost healing ability so the body is resistant to harm. Performance can also be optimised by using RI to speed up reflex action, perception or change muscle tissue to a stronger variant. Stamina can be increased by producing more red blood cells using RI or changing mitochondrial action in the cell so metabolism is speeded up to produce more energy from Kret’s cycle.

The use of RI can be used to alter DNA to edit out the ageing genes associated with the production of insulin – the so called ageing genes. Once can switch down their activity or use RI to re-engineer anti-ageing variants. The use of psychotronic generators to act as life-force batteries enables the old person to rejuvenate and the young person to delay ageing onset. The author who has been subject to heavy microwave attack by Mi5 has found these techniques enabled him to survive lethal attack again and again. Use of military RI techniques and psychotronic amplifiers will enable the few to live for many hundreds of years. Since life-force, the real currency of human endeavour is vital tot he process, psychotronic amplifiers tapping in to this energy offer those who have them the ability to top up their own vitality to extend and enable their own lives.

The gold meme – wealth drives humanity, as a meme or idea it has a biophysical basis, it is in fact an energy field. Tapping into this energy field brings money, wealth and power your way. Gold power rings embody the gold meme, grounding this energy if activated. This activation is the them of Lord of the Rings, modern Russian research on torsion fields, circular fields of force, the essence of nature enabled memes to be bottled life life-force in psychotronic generators. Use of torsion field technology in the search for wealth, fame and power, FI to control the rich elite so they obey your wishes in the market place and the offensive use of this technology in economic warfare will change the face of business for the few people who will master it.

Torsion fields are the circular fields that underlie the four forces of nature and Consensus reality – the Matrix. Russian research into the torsion field reveals they travel faster than light, can pass through any object, revealing hidden ore deposits – submarines… As torsion fields are superluminal they reside in 5 dimensional space, the topological manifold that manifests 4D space – the Matrix. Manipulation of torsion fields therefore changes reality at the seminal level enabling the Mater of this technology to control reality. Stone circles, chakra’s powersites, ley lines, anti-gravity and advanced psychic powers are all dependant on manifestations of torsion fields. The human being is comprised of the two types of torsion field: rotational and expansive. Time is another effect of torsion fields which are in fact the underpinnings of reality.


Science at the frontier is a good definition of RVScience – psychotronics, knowledge unknown outside of Russia. It is mainstream science in the Russian Federation. RVScience is the world expert on the subject – outside of Russian and gives readers the secrets of the human condition in the process enabling the reader to grow beyond these constraints to remotely view beyond the Matrix.

As has been seen in Warrior Shaman the first U.S. military warrior shaman was Lieutenant Colonel Jin Shannon, through him the major innovators in the U.S. army have taken on board use of psychic powers as a weapon of war be they RV, RS, RI… or psychotronics. Carlos Castaneda wrote many books of the factional psychic warrior shaman Don Juan and his tottec shaman group. Tim Rifat has wedded warrior shaman knowledge directed toward influencing the real world with the psychic warrior shaman intent of breaking free of the real world – the Matrix to realise total freedom. As the world leader in modern knowledge of Psi called psychotronics by the military, enabling the author to steadily trickled aspects of his discoveries in line with mankind’s present moral and ethical state, and the psychotronic generators to power this knowledge. In this section of the site we explore the second attention, the nagual (of Castaneda’s books)  the biophysical, Psi-space of RVScience.

The Warrior Shaman burns the anglo-demonic reality for fuel, the Matrix set up since Elizabethan times by the British to constrain reality so no Psi-works. Once this is shredded for psychotronic fuel we return to the old seers reality circa 10,000BC. They are beset by dark energy matter entities (the mudshadows of  Castaneda) but the Enochian anglo demonic black magic has not blocked travel into the second attention, Psi-space, the biophysical realm. Instead once socialisation is overcome the biophysical realm is easily reached. In RVscience we destroy the anglo demonic Matrix and make a synthesis of the best of the old Seer and new Seer knowledge – psychic warrior shamanism.


With the destruction of the anglo-demonic Matrix based on British Enochian black magic, the older Matrix returns, one in which trips into the biophysical realm are facile, yet man is still trapped in the noxious socialisation of the herd raised for food by the dark energy matter entities. This older version of the Matrix was punctured by the power of Shamans to enable the use of Psi. Many of these Shamans were of the mongoloid race, so I Ching the old ways of mongoloid shamanism, the Tao and the balancing of Ying and Yang are necessary stepping stones to old seer knowledge as they have been set in the primordial Matrix – usurped later by the total cage of anglo-demonic British satanism and it’s Jewish kabbalahlistic counterpart, coming together in the work of Aleister Crowley. The U.S.  military’s use of the Council of Nine dark energy matter entities in association with the British gave them total dominance over the Soviet Union’s science based psychic warfare – the Soviets did not countenance black magic and ritual sacrifice to appease dark energy matter demonic entities. The Chinese had a long history of occultism and their race is closest to the older raver Matrix that allows psychic phenomenon. In a power struggle the anglo demonic Matrix led by the British was used to conquer the Chinese – it failed and Tiananmen Square ensued, this ruptured the anglo demonic Matrix enabling the older forces of the primordial Matrix to re-emerge. With the death of the anglo demonic Matrix the older Matrix is the starting point for the psychic Warrior Shaman who wishes to travel into the nagual, second attention, Psi-space, the biophysical realm and use it to remotely influence the physical world. I Ching RI is the natural beginning.

I recommend you get a book of the hexagrams.

There are 64 hexagrams composed of two trigrams of eight different types. This gives us an 8 by 8 Matrix. I Ching is based on octaonians one real number (positive for male, negative for female) and seven imaginary numbers which correspond to the dark energy matter realm. Since all humanity is possessed by these dark energy matter entities controlling them controls the Matrix. It states in Castaneda’s ‘The Fire from Within’ if Warriors want to have enough energy to see, they must become misers with their sexual energy… ‘the only real energy we possess is a life-bestowing sexual energy’.

Thus by adding one of the sex PCs to the Seven we get the ability to change awareness in the matrix; the I Ching BSRI is an awareness engine to modify awareness in alignment with the will of the psychic warrior Shaman. To modify awareness at the fundamental level changes reality by changing the alignment of the Matrix’s wage slaves and their anglo demonic Masters.

To set up the I Ching BSRI simply place the Seven psycrystals (Council of Seven) in a circle with the sex PC at one of the four cardinal points:-


Male Female
Active RI Passive RI
North to affect –  the human wageslave, overseer, organisation, European Union…
South to affect – the dark energy matter parasites and their milieu
West to affect – to change the dark energy matter reality you travel into
East to affect – to change the light energy matter reality you travel into


Point the PCs with the bases inward BPCs outside facing the points of the PCs. Inside the circle put the I Ching hexagram you wish to promote: heaven for the most +ve results. Use the male PC for active BSRI (e.g., invasion of Iraq by force) or female (e.g., Soviet Union destroys itself) and the organisation, country, person, business you wish to BSRI – use their logo, picture…. if you wish to change your position place the BPCs inside the circle, PCs points facing inward to BPCs. Sit in the circle while you BSRI on using the energy of the Matrix around you.

To use the moving lines simply place one or more BPC in the opposite position as listed above then move them back to the normal position after finishing. Thus if all six lines are moving more in an anti-clockwise motion the BPCs to the right of the sex PC as if you were reading Chinese: from right to left. This incorporates the moving lines into your BSRI. I Ching BSRI is the basis of all non Matrix old seer RI, psychokinesis, telekinesis and cannot be blocked by only anglo demonic occultism upon which it feeds.