Psychic Martial Arts

Psychic Karate, Kung-Fu, Taekwondo, Ninjitsu, Taichi Chuan.
Superpower top secret projects on psychic warfare have concentrated on remote killing and influencing, the use of psychic force to kill or disable a victim at long distance. The Warrior Shama as the pinnacle of humankind is the Master of all forms of martial arts. Psychic powers such as remote killing and influencing are the domain of the Warrior Shamen, who unlike: holy men, monks, hermits… controls the Matrix to make sure it does not dominate him. Knowledge of mind control systems such as Tetra is important which shows the New World Governments of the anglo-demonic reality require show their citizens to be enslaved – chief among these are all the EU Countries.

Tim Rifat, the world’s leading exponent on remote killing and influencing has developed a psychic form of martial arts based on remote viewing, sensing, influencing, psychotronics, telekinesis and psychokinesis. This psychic martial art is the the pinnacle of fighting techniques as it enables you to target any person how ever securely guarded. Please note all EU citizens are vulnerable but certain US, Russian and Chinese notables may be protected by myself from these techniques – in so far as they go against the anglo-demonic consensus run from London.

Psychic Karate:
In this form of fighting the martial arts practitioner makes use of: psychotronic amplifiers, remote viewing, sensing and influencing to use his entire repetoir of Karate techinques to strike, not at the physical target, but to remotely view that target and strike at it in Psi-space (using their ability to locate to hit a target at a distant location) The fundamental prerequisites of this form of martial arts, like all the others are:

The ability to remotely view
The intent to do harm to one of life’s SOBs
The psychotronic amplifiers to actualise their fighting ability
Expertise in Karate

The psychotronic amplifiers consist of two quartz PC’s one to be held in the right hand or pocket, the other in the left hand or pocket and their respective biophysical PCs to anchor the effect in the real world. One remotely views the target then tapes the bioparticle PCs to the base of each biophyscial PC. This procedure links the target to the psychotronic amplifierso enabling: remote influencing, killing and psychokinesis and telekinesis to be focussed at the target. The four PC BTRI psychic karate system uses one of the many modes available to the user to RI… the target. Now while holding the PCs in the left and right hands (bioparticle PCs taped to the quartz PCs bases) focus on the target. Visualise striking with the points of the PCs at the target.

Begin with a repetoir of karate attacks realising that unlike the physical body, pepeated and lengthy attacks will be needed on the target’s biophysical body as:-

You have an almost non-existent biotronic field, the biophysical field needed for physical effects
Your command of your biplasmic and bioinformational fields (unless you are a trained military remote viewer – not a civilian trained remote viewer, as the techniques taught you are ineffective) is totally lacking.
Strike at the energy meridian points found on acupuncture charts as those are the most vulnerable. The points of the quartz PCs act as sword points that cut into the biophysical body liberating biophysical energy that can be transferred to the biopaticle PCs to energise your BTRI psychic karate to make you stronger.

The longer you practise you may be surprised to see the target fighting back and if a New World Order servant or Illuminati, psychic bodyguards both human and insectile may come to the targets aid. If this occurs carry a psychic protection PC and it’s bioparticle PC in your left pocket while engaging in combat to protect against counterstrikes. Fighting mulitple opponents is fun unless you are a neophyte warrior shamen; if you find the opposition too strong choose a lowly victim as befits your expertise. The trained warrior shamen craves combat and seeks out the targets worthy of his prowess. A few Amercian, Russian or Chinese leaders may be protected by diamond-like barriers, these people are actively fighting the anglo-demonic New World Order and are fully protected from attack by myself – if you feel like attacking them be my guest – I am always on the lookout for volunteers to fuel my anti-karmic killing engine.

You will find the longer you attack your victim the weaker they become… Practise on the precision of your techniques – sloppy form leads to errors in intent that open you up to psychic karate experts hunting you. Hence the need for a psychic protection PC. Leg techniques such as used in Taekwondo, Savate and Northern types of Kung-Fu are especially effective as the biotronic awareness in man has normally been eroded down to the ankles, so only the feet sill have this aspect. Thus remote influencing… using psychic karate techniques is most effective for the trainee warrior shamen using leg techniques. For that matter if physcially attacked kicking the attacker is the easiest way to inject dark matter/energy into the attacker to poison their energy system.

Psychic Martial Arts has many modes, here is a table of uses:

Psychic Karate/Taekwondo
Psychic King-Fu/Shaolin Temple Boxing
Psychic Tai Chi Chuan Soft (Inner) Kung-Fu
Psychic Tai Chi Chuan Soft (Inner) Kung-Fu
Biophyscial PCs Left point forward Right point forward
Left point facing you Right point forward
Left point forward Right point facing you
Left point facing you Right point facing you
Bioparticle PCs taped to base of Biophyscial PCs
Left bioparticle taped to point Right bioparticle PC taped to base
Left bioparticle PC taped to base Right biopartcle PC taped to point
Left bioparticle PC taped to point Right bioparticle PC taped to point

The mechanics of psychic martial arts depend upon manipulating dark energy/matter, the stuff that makes up 96% of the universe. Each biophysical PC can project dark energy from it’s point or import negative energy to the target if used base first. Inf the first case this foreign dark energy, imported from the biophysical PC, injects dark energy into the body of the target, jamming and poisoning their function. In the case of the negative energy the lesions caused by administrating the negative energy causes all dark and light energy in the target to flow into these lesions, causing over excitation of the afflicted area and debilitating the other parts of the biophysical body. This disrupts the morphogenic filed of the target causing disfunction…
Psychic karate is the purest form of damaging the target by striking at the biophysical body of the enemy with lances of dark energy to tear, pulp… the biophysical body causing morphogenic damage. The ultimate way of hard martial arts.

VIRTUAL PSYCHIC KARATE: In physical workouts on a punch bag pyschic karate can be used to strike at the physical body of the target using the properties of the bioparticle PCs. Tod do this place the bioparticle PCs in your bag gloves, or pockets as you strike at the punchbag. Place the biophysical PCs to left and right of your workout dojo, points facing the punchbag. Then visualise each target area on the enemy as you strike at the punchbag, intending it to be your target, using the bioparticle PCs to damage the physical morphogenic filed of the enemy.

Knowledge of the vital spots of the human body is mandatory, as you are striking at a distance at the physical body of your target, using the morphogenic field of your enemy to impart the damage to the corresponding area of his person. Since the morphogenic field of the human body controls the cells of the body via the DNA, using striking at the morphogenic field of the target causing injury at a distance. Once again, leg techniques are most effective for the warrior shamen, as unlike the psychic warrior shamen/PsiMaster, his biophysical field is incomplete.

Snap kicks to the groin point delivered to the punchbag are most effective as the foot still possesses a biotronic field even in matrixman; the groin cannot be protected by focussing chi into it so is vulnerable to all psychic, telekinetic attack. A psychic warrior shamen on the other hand has destroyed the intent to breed, so his groin area is totally closed to attack by psychic, telekinetic… means the gay warrior shamen has a vital advantage in combat as closing the genital energy portal gives him a key advantage in fighting breeder, both male and female, who have gaping holes in their energy bodies, meaning they will never achieve phychic warrior shamenhood/psimaster, unless they know how to heal these nergy holes – a very advanced procedure.

It is for this reason all spiritual traditions of knowledge were against having children; sex carries no harm to the psychic warrior shamen as he loses no energy through his genitals, the energy portal being sealed forever. Counterfeit psycrystals such as those produced by all other suppliers biophysically implode when touched by any of my true PCs, tearing the owners biophysical body. For the more advanced warrior shamen hand strikes are effective especially if the bioparticle PCs have been supercharged by repeated attacks on enemies in Psi-space to charge them. The psychic warrior shamen may progress to fighting dark matter/energy entities using psychic martial arts but should augment his prowess with our range of anti-demon range of Pcs depending on whether he is hunting goetic, enochian, tarot, illuminati… demons.

The anti-demon PC with it’s bioparticle PC should be placed in one’s left pocket to download the intent for binding, killing this type of demon into your psychic martial arts PCs to enable you to fight demons. Or if you wish to go on a demon hunt hold in your left hand while remote viewing the demon(s) to shred them upon contact. For those of you into Samurai Bushido, the way of the sword, Tim Rifat can produce psychic swords to special order so kendo… can be practised on the biophysical body of the enemy, or the bioparticle can be used for virtual combat.

Price of Psychic Martial Arts PCs $600 + $40 post and packaging.
(This comprises 2 Biophysical and 2 Bioparticle PCs)