Psychic Samurai – The Real Jedi

Samurai Warrior’s remote killing organisations who live by a code of bushido were the historical basis for the firm genre Jedi and were the basis of the U.S. militaries project Jedi – psychic Samurai. Now the perfected version of psychic samurai is available to the public. It is perfect for Warrior Shamans wishing to implement the art of war in businesses described in my: Remote Viewing for Managers. Samurai thought of merchants as second class citizens having no honour, the psychic samurai sees all corporate merchants as psychotronic fuel there to empower the Warrior Shaman.

The Warrior Shaman uses, apart from psychic swords to kill and disable evil doers, politicians, illuminati, secret police, psychic Katana, (Samurai swords) Samurai carried the a long and short samurai sword, the modern version of which are the psychic karate PCs configured in Katana mode. These psychic Samurai Swords cut the Matrix upholding corporations, businesses, football clubs, governments, political parties, illuminati societies… destroying their reality, making them lose share prices, money, games, countries, elections, power… respectively. They are the most powerful remote influencing psychokinesis, telekinesis, psychic warfare and enable the Psychic Samurai to wreck the anglo-demonic Matrix. The Matrix is held together by the ritual magic of Enochian black magic, this generates the net of chequerboard energy of 12 by 13, that is it’s four modes of earth, air, fire and water binds the physical and biophysical world of man, by using two modes to form the 4D Matrix grid of the physical Matrix and the 4D Matrix grid of the biophysical Matrix. The tighter the mesh, the more controlled reality is by the anglo-demons. Around the illuminati the human dream is tightly held by this grid, Castaneda described it as the lines of the world, the chequerboard pattern of dowsing Masonic demonism. This tight grid means reality is constrained by the illuminati: power, money, connections means they can do as they like supported by police, army and government who torture, kill, enemies of the Matrix of anglo-demonic being. Normal people have a very loose grid around them as they have no power, just wage slaves, convinced of their self importance until they go against their masters – then reality hits them, ruin, prison, torture, death…

The psychic Samurai hunts power and since the Matrix grids are built from the power, life energy of the wage slaves and their insane worship of the money god, those Matrix grids are the power upholding the Matrix and perfect psychotronic fuel for the psychic Samurai who seeks power over himself so he is free from the anglo-demonic prison.

The psychic Samurai swords, consisting of the psychic karate PCs, have 4 psychotronic generators, perfect for slicing the 4 anglo-demonic chequerboards of Enochian black magic that bind the Matrix, upholding the demonic dream of dark energy matter insectiles.

The Psychic Samurai Swords consist of:-

Left Bioparticle PC
Left Bioparticle PC
Right Bioparticle PC
Right Bioparticle PC
injects poisoned physical wounds into the Matrix grid
injects poisoned mental wounds into the Matrix grid
cuts the physical Matrix grid
cuts the biophysical Matrix grid

Any Matrix establishment has four chessboard-like grids two for the physical realm, two for the biophysical realm, the first two uphold the physical being, the other two it’s basis in the group mind (logos, reputation, advertising…) All 4 grids should be attacked simultaneously so the Matrix cannot repair itself from it’s other quaternary grids.

The Psychic Samurai cuts all four anglo-demonic Matrix grids simultaneously by holding the:

left biophysical PC, BPC taped to the side of the PC in the right hand,

     right biophysical PC, BPC taped to the side of the PC in the left hand.


Since the matrix grids are composed of the vortex component of the torsionic soliton, the left PCs pulsar components poisons and cuts the grid when injected into them from the right hand, the right PCs which control the vortex slice, pull, disrupt, tear the grid to pieces when held in the left hand in psychic sucking, pulling, tractor… mode. Simply hold the PCs as if two swords and slice the Matrix grid with both hands, cutting around you to free you from the Matrix. Do this to the environs of your house to build a sacred space free from the anglo-demonic reality and in which the demons of this Matrix cannot manifest their puerile evil.

The Art of War in Business, Politics, Sport…

DIA remote viewers boast that they used remote influencing to coerce Gorbachev to dismantle the Soviet Union. Having added psychotronic amplifiers to the mix the public now have the ability to dismantle any government, corporation, business, sports club, political party, European Union… illuminati’s groups. All by the use of psychotronic psychokinesis, cutting the darkside Force by use of psychic Samurai swords. The anglo-demonic Matrix imprisons awareness in the West so psychic Samurai Swords are totally effective against all these establishments. Chinese reality is based on non anglo-demonic black magic unlike Soviet milieus based on Rothschild agents such as : Lenin and Stalin, so effects on Chinese interests may be patchy. British, European and U.S. interests owned by the illuminati are totally  vulnerable to those techniques.

The awareness psycrystals in psychic Samurai mode cut in four different directions simultaneously to slice, cut and poison the four Enochian Matrix grids of anglo-demonic reality. To destroy any organisation simply get a picture of it’s logo, or name, pictures of CEO’s, lenders, flunkies… and set them in the centre of your fighting area. All western organisations are based on anglo-demonic Matrix nets as everything in the West is owned by the illuminati. Each cardinal point has a specific Enochian Matrix grid:-

human physical anglo-demonic Enochian Matrix grid
dark energy matter parasite anglo-demonic Enochian Matrix grid
human biophysical anglo-demonic Enochian Matrix grid
dark energy matter parasite biophysical anglo-demonic Enochian Matrix grid

The Warrior Shaman attacks using sword thrust to puncture the grid, cuts to make it peel away from the human dream and slashes through the back-katana style to mix the Enochian grid debris into the other three chequerboard nets to scramble them. Since the Left Awareness Sword poisons the Enochian dark energy matter entities with negative energy/matter the grid is permanently wrecked for that organisation leading to group madness, loss of profits, destructive decisions, bad luck, suicidal greed…. the common traits of Western business but now super amplified.

The dark energy matter parasites will try to counterattack but the Psychic Samurai Swords download all negativity into counterfeit crystals sold widely as my products by charlatans such as Paul Hughes Barlow (real name Graham Nickells) and many U.S. companies. These occultists act as shunts to take up blowback and the inevitable dark energy matter backlash. Since all occultists have given their souls to these parasites, they and their customers cannot avoid the negativity as they are the human zombies of these entities.

Thus armoured the Warrior Shaman can hunt organisations, illuminati and occultists with impunity. Every time the Enochian grids are destroyed all occultists, illuminati worldwide suffer damage as they are all connected to the dark energy matter hive. One Warrior Shaman can therefore bring down the whole anglo-demonic order by systematically attacking it’s organisations, in the process gaining vast amounts of psychotronic fuel. Personal enemies can have their homes, business and relationships cut to pieces psychically using Psychic Samurai Swords.

The psychic Samurai attacks the four Enochian grids in an anti-clockwise fashion starting from any point for example North-West-South-East repeating the process until he is full of energy. This process is similar to Castaneda’s: ‘Magical Passes’ but a development of them of much greater power where energy is brought into the Warrior Shaman’s energy bodies, not just redistributed as was the case with Castaneda’s techniques. Carrying out physical and biophysical movements simultaneously, amplified and controlled by psychotronic amplifiers not only weds the energy bodies but manifests the remote influencing, psychokinesis, telekinesis. With practice physical objects such as computers can be attacked with Psychic Samurai Swords developing telekinesis in the Warrior Shaman.

These powers swords revolutionise the art of war and enable the Warrior Shaman to exert full spectrum dominance over the anglo-demonic world, the dream of the U.S. military. Human targets can also be attacked in this manner since the human body is a manifestation of the Enochian grids, the morphogenic field that controls DNA, and the psychomorphogenic filed that controls the mind are just aspects of the anglo-demonic chequerboard fields. Attacking any target destroys the underpinnings of the morphogenic and psychomorphogenic fields causing rapid madness and physical dysfunction. Stabbing them in their energy centres (as found in Castaneda’s ‘Magical Passes’ destroys their Psi-functioning rendering them impotent to use any occult or psychic warfare technique – useful to get rid of enemy occultists.

Psychic Samurai: Remote Killing Demons:

The anglo-demonic Matrix was constructed using Enochian black magic, this has 30 levels or Authors, the dimensional level of Archons/Demons that control the 4 chequerboard energy cages through a fifth chequerboard of demonic energy that hovers over the 4 of manifestation to block out free true spirit the Source from the Matrix – the veil of tears. Castaneda talks of there being 600 plus fields of space-time to produce 600 plus real worlds all inhabiting Earth’s space (Castaneda’s: ‘Active Side of Infinity’) 30 levels by the 20 sides of the 5 chequerboards gives us 600 energy cages to keep humans and Shamens penned in. Warrior Shamans of my lineage are not caged like cattle but hunt the archons for energy.

the do this use an anti-demon PC (insectile, demon, archon) as this is charged with he negative energy matter of these parasites. Then use the 3 BPCs from the three power rings to tune into the 30 different levels. The lowest 10 levels are reached by placing the gold meme BPC on your left little toe through to the big toe (5 levels) then little finger through to the thumb (5 levels) so you can access the 10 lowest Aethers. Then repeat with the anti-occult ring BPC for the next ten levels then repeat with the Psi ring BPC for the last ten levels. At each level you use remote sensing to detect the demons, then cut them to pieces using your Psychic Sword to supply you with psychotronic fuel.

For the really adventurous you can use the Psychic Samurai Swords on all 30 levels to cut the Aether grid to pieces and poison it so the dark energy matter entities can no longer feed or affect Psi-humans like yourself. To do this cut the Aether cages which will be above you then will flip below you as you destroy it’s illusion and reveal it’s true nature – lowering humans into hell. Cut the grid below you turning anti-clockwise to finish the job. Since all illuminati and occultists are puppet zombies of these demons having given their life force, spirit, souls… to these parasites via the occult, destroying the Aether grids cuts them off from their masters, drives them self destructively ill and terminates them.

Only Warrior Shamen escape the Matrix not by burning with the fire within and running away – only to be pulled back by the Aether grid; they burn the Matrix to manifest this sacred fire without: The Fire Without – psychotronic fuel to empower their Psi-Mastership. By doing this they earn the right to freedom by combating evil – the only sure way to escape the Matrix.

The Warrior Shaman – psychic Samurai turn their spirits on petty tyrants (Castaneda: ‘The Fire Within’ Chapter 2) the only infallible way of achieving Psi Mastership, wedding spirit and should with he Fire Without to produce a devic body which is free of the Matrix, using Archons and their servants as psychotronic fuel.