Warrior Shamans in the U.S. Military have been practising remote killing targets by using a death stare on animals such as goats (Channel 4, Crazy Rulers of the World) and they have used this technique with great effect on enemies of the U.S.A.

The public can now share in this technology to rid themselves of the Illuminati and occultists in all sectors of society who degrade, corrupt and spread misery all in the name of the devil – in reality dark energy matter entities. Since illuminati and occultists have sold their souls an din the process cut themselves off from spirit, they are just lumps of flesh motivated by dark energy matter entities – zombies. The 7 psycrystals cleanse normals, but these illuminati creatures are shredded by the 7PCs as there is no normal human component left.

To remotely kill illuminati and occultists place the 7 Psycrystals with 7 PCs points facing outward, 7 BPCs outside them orientated with the points of the 7PCs. The base of the PCs face inwards to draw energy from inside the circle, (this is the configuration counterfeiters such as Paul Hughes Barlow as occultist, recommended, a configuration that damages the user, drains them of energy as they use the counterfeit crystals – with no BPCs to integrate body and spirit) Now place inside the circle a picture of the illuminati or occultist to be remotely killed. Numerous bankers, politicians and industrialists fit the bill – find pictures of them on the internet. The 7 PCs in Total Exorcism mode shred the dark energy matter entity in the flesh of this illuminati and send the energy into your BPCs. Wear one of the BPCs in your left sock while shredding these illuminati to charge your physical body with energy, choose the BPC of your choice for you. Since all the illuminati are fabulously rich the money, power, sex energy from them is destructively drained from them into you boosting your wealth, position and potency.

For occultists repeat the above process, you can use pictures of dead occultists as the dark energy matter entity still exists and this process kills it, e.g. Crowley, Anton Levy, Abrahamelin the mage… on living occultists it has the same effect as illuminati. One can use the process on dead illuminati as the dark energy matter entity still exists the list of dead illuminati is on the internet. If you can’t find a picture just write their name. The 7 psycrystals will zero in on their dark energy matter possessor. If you wish to build a nagual 4 lobed Psi-Master biophysical and bioparticle body use the 4 Superpower Psycrystals to tap into this Total Exorcism. Place the 4 Super Power PCs point outward outside of the 7 PC circle with Mind – South, Body – North, Soul – East, Spirit – West, keep all 4 BPCs in your left sock to channel all the energy into your fringe of awareness. Since there are many illuminati and occultists this process can supply enough energy for a Psi-adept to achieve Mastership. Lesser evil creatures such as local leaders, secret police, government officials, who are on the road to damnation can be used but they have less energy as they are mere drones of the entity hive – useful for personal grudges. Use psychic karate, or anti-personal demon PCs for extreme results. The 7 PCs will only kill illuminati and occultists – those that have completely sold their souls. As this world is full of evil the Warrior Shaman has ample psychotronic fuel for powering his psychokinesis, journey into Psi-space.

Remember everyone is psychically attacking each other -subconsciously, so use anti Demon PCs for psychic attack, 7 PCs are only for dark energy matter zombies – illuminati and occultists.