The Warrior Shaman is free of the Matrix as he uses the; Fire Without to burn the Matrix for psychotronic fuel. As we have found the anglo-demonic block magic of the illuminati uses Enochian necromancy to solidify the vestal Matrix of the dark energy matter entities commonly called mudshadows (Castaneda: ‘The Active Side of Infinity’) All events, memes within the Matrix are controlled by Enochian generators linked to the demonic tarot memes of Crowley’s Book of Thoth.

Destroying these operators destroys the ‘box’ that contains human awareness in it’s memetic prison. These Enochian operators, memes of corporate greed, embezzlement, theft and raping the environment, based on the – god of ‘money is god’ dominate all anglo-demonic reality. The Warrior Shaman does not try to change the matrix for the better as his/her energy will be used to spread the Matrix into new domains as well as prolong it, instead the Matrix is killed for psychotronic fuel to allow true reality to manifest.

The kill the Enochian operators and the Matrix put the Seven PCs in a circle with the four superpower PCs bases of PCs pointing outward, BPCs inside (as per the diagram at The 11 PCs and the 11 BPCs then collapse all 22 demonic tarot memes by slamming them into each other as per M-theory bones annihilating each other upon collision. This generates energy by destroying opposites, a Matrix killing engine (the BSRI-MKE) This MKE pulls in all 22, demonic tarot memes the 92+ Enochian operators of anglo-demonic magic and their associated Matrix into the whirlpool vortex created by the MKE>

All you do is sit inside the circle and feed off the psychotronic fuel supplied by burning the Matrix. Pick up any of the 11 PCs to turn your RI, keep base pointing out, BPC taped to point. To kill specific parts of the Matrix such as countries, organisations, committees, governments, illuminati, ideas, realities just reverse the PCs so the BPCs are outside the circle PCs pointing out bases in. Now put the targets photograph, name, literature, money, documents… into the circle and sit outside. Sit at the east point and hold the PC base toward circle, BPC taped to it’s point.

All the psychotronic fuel from the destruction of this Matrix item, organisation, idea, committee… will flow into you. Sit at the north point to inject ideas of your own to be destroyed, sit at the south point to delete ideas, reality, people from this Matrix aspect, sit at the west point to tear open the Matrix to allow unexpected events to transpire – Psi events. The Warrior Shaman holds any of the 11 PCs of the MKE to tune the process, money, love, psychic protection for banishment… the 4 Superpower PCs to affect the body, mind spirit or soul of the Matrix, or to charge oneself.