The U.S. military Warrior Shamans had a real life Jedi program to develop Psi in their elite soldiers, linked with the 1st Earth Battalion and Lieutenant Colonel Jim Shannon’s wish list of super powers for U.S. Special Forces all aspects of Castaneda’s exposition of Shamanism were explored including: walking through walls, according to Major General Stubbelbine. Colonel Alexander revealed remote killing experiments were also carried out (Channel 4, Crazy Rulers of the World) Real life Darth Vader-like soldiers were the mission statement of the U.S. Special Forces.

To develop these powers the Warrior Shaman needs energy – lots of energy. Only psychotronic amplifiers can provide the high levels of bioplasmic, biotronic and bioinformational energy needed to develop Darth Vader-like powers. To this end Tim Rifat charges the hollow energy bodies of crystals with the negative energy derived from processing the energy bodies of politicians, illuminati, occultists… demons. (See ‘The Fire Within, Castaneda: Harper Collins; for descriptions of energy bodies – the best every written)

All the anti-demon PCs and BPCs are filled with negative energy derived from the evil entity they combat. Since the Matrix is composed of the bioproducts of these evil entities – their psychic shit made manifest – such as the illuminati bankers, politicians, secret police and their demonic masters, the negative energy in the anti-demon PCs and BPCs turns the Matrix as it is composed of negative matrix energy. This flame can be projected from the PC, BPC to form a flaming sword, the psychic version of a light sabre or sword, magic sword… This psychic sword can be used to puncture, cut and chop the energy bodies, both physical and biophysical of demons (dark energy/matter entities) and human servant (flesh run by dark energy/matter entities)


The psychic sword has four modes.

1/ PC point used to inject negative energy into demon to cause unhealable wounds in it’s energy bodies, while BPC at base of psychic sword (Base of PC) is used to draw energy from the demon to charge your physical body with the demon’s power.

2/ Base of PC pointed at target (BPC at point of PC) The psychic sword in this case pulls out energy from the target’s biophysical body sucking them dry and transferring the energy into the BPC to make you physically strong.

To use Sword types 1 and 2 to attack the biophysical body (mind) of the target, RV the target then strike them with the psychic sword to cut, chop and stab. Unlike a normal sword the psychic sword cannot be blocked as it cuts through any matrix object. The attack on the victim destroys their psychic power and causes dementia and madness in demons as well as illuminati… Tape the BPC to the PC during use.

The other types of psychic sword are carried out physically on the target, swing the BPC PC as it was the hilt of a sword. Hold BPC in front of PC then tape together to get;

3/ BPC at point of a PC, BPC pointed at target to cut, stab, slash their physical energy body to cause disease (use with RI protocols for mind control as you damage their brain centres) The physical energy is channelled into you to charge you with psychic power. This weapon causes wounds that do not heal in their physical energy body.

4/ BPC at base of PC, BPC pointed at target to cut, stab, slash their physical energy body to cause disease (RI protocols for mind control drain energy from brain centres) Their physical energy is channelled into you to charge your psychic powers.

To bring the target to your training area for method 3 and 4 simply outline their physical body in the centre of your practise area and practise your sword strikes on it be it a politician, illuminati or low life petty tyrant. Demons are seen as black shadows, method 3 and 4 maims and kills their dark matter bodies, method 1 and 2 destroys their dark energy body.

The Psychic Sword as in mythology has devastating effects on evil entities and is the true killer of demons, dark energy/matter or human. Continued use of the Psychic Sword boosts your physical and psychic prowess to enable you to become a true Warrior Shaman.