Werewolf Stage 1

Excerpts from Bankers and the Banking system mp3 part 38:

Now with Werewolf technology you are quantum superimposed on the collective unconscious of dogs, the conscioussness, subconscious and more importantly you use dogs as Psychotronic Generators. One knows that dogs are telepathic in that there have been loads and loads of documented research on dogs barking minutes before their owners come home when they are out of range of anything but Telepathy, so we know dogs are Psychic.
This service powers your Psychic Warfare (especially telepathic hypsnosis) fed by all the dogs worldwide.

With Werewolf technology you are given a clear quartz Psychoctronic Crystal that uploads the lifeforce, time density from dogs, male energy from male dogs, the agglutanizing force, all the other things that dogs have in common with humans. Service power telepathic hypnosis and artificial incarnation in Psychic Warfare targets strategically.

For full details listen to the Banker mp3 part 38 bought HERE.

To control dogs and feed off them $1200