Soul Augmentation and/or Replacement Service $10000

As we have seen with Katy Perry selling her soul to the devil fame and fortune are paid for by eternal afterlife torture. As shown on Supernatural Spirit School number 22 I transplanted Katy Perry´s awareness into the artificially created servitor soul of Daenerys Targaryen created by one billion people to give her a one billion old artificial soul. As I showed on the film this was only for a temporary period ending when she marries ratjew Bloom in the autumn: or she publically humiliates him by coming to me and making this artificial soul eternal in the process dumping damned ratjew Bloom.

As one can see your soul can be augmented with any C-space soul built by mass observation or can be built to your specification powered by the zero sum game eternal damnation of the Jewish race by Amalek their God who always tortures them eternally. Having an augmented servitor soul means you are free of being preyed on after death and since the soul carries your intent you develop total intent by having a soul built by the total intent source the Psi-Lord achieve what the Christian church could never give you salvation from all your sins and eternal life on the new earth all built by far future science not christian pedophile conmen this is what the second coming of Jesus always promised you without the bullshit of having to worship a Jew God destroyed by Amalek and it´s awareness eternally tortured by Amalek along with everything that the Jew God created and worshipped it. Escape the Jew Gods fate and join the Psi-Lord as being an aspect of the source worshipping no one accept yourself. Enjoy!