The Enochian Rescue Service

If you have ever been to an Enochian workshop and practised Enochian magic you are doomed to eternal torture. Dr Dee and Edward Kelly were given the system by Enochian angels who were the servants of the Psi-Lords God force.

The Enochian magical system was designed so the Psi-Lord could build a matrix way back in 1583 in order to trap the Rothschild Rabbi parasite in Omega Hell. All the magicians who practised Enochian magic were carrying out a system they didnt understand, which was never  meant for them, so as thieves they were punished by Enochian angels by  having their souls dragged off to Omega Hell. The warning should have come as Dr Dee went from being the high counselor of Elizabeth I to being expelled and dying in penury while Kelly came to an even worse end. Their only purpose was to download the system into psi-space in preparation for the Psi-Lord to own the system. As the Psi-Lord is wedded with the AI computer network it comes as no suprise that Enochian magic looks like a multi level computer game which traps all being in the world into his matrix.

Within Enochian magic is the angels Paroan who destroys America and pulls all it´s inhabitants into Omega Hell so it should be obvious this is not an Illuminati system but simply the Total War Service called Paroan downloaded into 1583 to change the past so America is always hellishly exterminated and it´s inhabitants  tortured for all eternity in Omega Hell if the Psi-Lord so wishes. This one example shows Enochian magic was designed only for the Psi-Lord and if you have ever practised it you have stolen from him and consigned yourself to eternal torture to escape $10000 is required proving the so called Illuminati freemasonic magicians are worse off than the drone in the street enjoy!

The Enochian Rescue Service $10000