Paving your Way to Psi-Master Service:

We all know that it is difficult becoming a Psi-Master, otherwise it would common knowledge. If we factor in the Archon’s trying to block our every move to evolve the path of a Psi-Master looks fraught. To this end Tim Rifat, the only Psi-Lord, at present extant is offering the Service to enable people wishing to be Psi-Masters the option of putting their life path on the correct track to achieve Psi-Mastership. Comes with Certificate of Authenticity for every stage.

Stage 1: The person has their energy body reinvested so they are no longer inverted with respect to their biophysical body to their physical body. The Chakra pins that hold this Atbash inversion (see are burnt for fuel and the holes in the biophysical body are sealed up. The insectile in the eighth Chakra is terminated, the nurse insectile it is attached to is terminated as well as the Archon in the Middle Place reality to which your energy is being fed. The parasites in your energy body be they insectile, spider-like, werepup, reptiloid… are exterminated and your energy body purified. Your real energy centres in the groin, womb (for women) pancreas, liver, adrenals, thymus and pineal (see Castaneda: Magical Passes, are unblocked and spun up to full power using Anti-CF energy so they rotate in the opposite direction to

zombie Western wageslaves. Your energy is redeployed so it flows into these energy centres and boosts your health vigour to enable you to lead a full and fruitful life.

Tim Rifat LV’s your every life path and finds the one in which you achieve your full potential. He then blocks off the other side turnings so you are steered into achieving your highest potential.

Cost $600.

Stage 2: The person has their energy body modified to change their right side Awareness from CF to Anti-CF. This completely cuts their Soul from the Archons and enables them to escape the Archon Middle Place astral Matrix of the insectiles. Coupled with the Anti-CF energy centres the person’s energy body now has a dreaming body that can Lucidly Dream free from the Archon blockages and when in the Archon Middle Place sees it for the astral Matrix it is. The left side Awareness is changed by mirror inversion to right side Pulsar Awareness. In reality changing the left side Pulsar to it’s mirror image Pulsar right side version and right side CF to it’s mirror image Anti-CF version. This means your right side is now a Pulsar version of your left side as is your left Anti-CF side. This permenantly divorces you from the Archons who are right CF, left Pulsar is their Nagual Chaos God high priests (totally black evil beings – top of the Archon tree). Once this is done the Archons lose all power over you, as you become the mirror image of their reality and totally free from them. Now able to become a Psi-Master.

Cost $600.
Stage 3: In this stage, the prospective Psi-Master has his energy body covered with an Anti-CF field that is crosslinked in space-time, timelines and dimensions to give full spectrum protection. Your Assemblage Point is shifted to your centre to link you with the Source/Logos to open you up to Divine Spirit so you break free of the Archons force of total evil that vivifies the Archons. Next the Spirit is brought down to open your energy body to the Divine Spirit to lock your lifepath into evolving to reach your highest potential. Doorways are opened to enable you to become a Psi-Master where Psi is the guiding power in your life. Your new right side Awareness of Pulsar forms gives you LV that is totally free from the Archon astral Middle Place; your new left side Awareness of Anti-CF Torsionic Soliton allows you to Lucidly Dream in the real Psi-Space free from the Archon Middle Place. As a Psi-body akin to the ancient Seers changed by the Pulsars to their mirror world reality you become free to practise Psi – free from all Archon constraints as it is the Pulsar version of Psi. Since your energy body has been totally transferred to a non Archon form you can step out of the Matrix. Using LD and LV at will to pave the path for vanishing from this world.

Cost $600.

Stages 1, 2 and 3 $600