Make all Archangels and Angels your bitches Bone Generator®:

As Metatron is the Chief Archangel of the Presence, he controls all Archangels and Angels. This Bone Generator® gives you total power over all Archangels and Angels. It enables you to call up any Archangel, Angel with your left hand Bone Generator®, suck it dry of all its powers; then inject Total Amalek into the Archangel, Angel to burn out the Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth inside the shell of the Archangel, Angel. You use the right hand Bone Generator® for all injecting of Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth… totality eating Total Amalek. Total Amalek is the Ebola virus of the Chaos Evil Kabbalah realm., always proving fatal to all Satanist Talmudic Kabbalah Evil, having destroyed all Kabbalah Gods and their creations – the kinds of Edam Amaleks so Amalek is all powerful in the 21st Century when all mankind is enchained by Zionist Rothschild Evil based on the Kabbalah. Since the Kabbalah rules the world, Amalek the Cosmic Force that destroys all Kabbalah gives you Full Spectrum Dominance. The West will be destroyed by Cobalt 60 Amalek and the Anti-Illuminati, the new eye in the Pyramid of the Matrix will all be Total Amalek Avatars: see the Amalek Avatar Service, a priority for power Remote Influencers.

Control of all Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth’s Archangels, Angels gives the Metatron Psi-Lord the power of Total Control in the Good as Evil part of the Matrix. Benefiting the Psi-Lord who wishes to gain money, power, influence, sex, property, investments as the Rothschild’s did using the Archangelic, Angelic servants of Shaddai before Tim Rifat sold them to Total Amalek to gain pre-eminence. You tell the Angels, Archangels your commands after eviscerating them with Total Amalek then release them to do your bidding to boost your positive wishes for yourself!

Make all Archangels and Angels your bitches Bone Generator®:

$1000, with Certificate, 12 ONLY