The Green Line of the Abraham Ritual brings failure to all Westerners (Goyim), Jews (UnterGoyim) Service.

The Rothschild Satanists wished to show they still had power over the Abraham Ritual by using this ritual for a velvet revolution in Iran based on the Green party of the Satanist Jews in Iran. The ritual failed with the Green party of the CIA puppet Mousavi defected and Ahmadenejad winning a landslide victory.

Now if the Green Line of the Abraham Ritual now supports the Iranian president who wishes to evict the Jewish Satanists squatters from Palestine and states the Holocaust 6 million is an inflated figure as well as all Jews should settle in Germany the perpetrator of the Holocaust; then it is proven the Psi-Lord Tim Rifat has sequestered the Abraham Ritual. As his father was a Moslem it is natural the Green Line helps fellow Moslems fight the Satanist Western rituals and coups. Now since the Rothschilds gambled that their Satanic power could override the Psi-Lord – with resultant failure, the Psi-Lord can call in their IOU.

To this end he boosts the power of the Green Line for all the Psi-Masters that buy this Bone Generator® Service to raise the power of the Green Line for Psi-Masters to 1.3 billion fold, (the number of Westerners), resulting in 1.3 billion red lines per Westerner, which they can never pay off while alive so this extends their torture torment in Total Amalek Omega Hell

thank you Satanist Rothschilds!

The Green Line of the Abraham Ritual brings failure to all Westerners (Goyim), Jews (UnterGoyim) Service. $600 with Certificate