The Anti-Black Magic Psychotronic Crystals:

The Illuminati Freemasons are slave to the Zionist Sanhedrin black magicians hated by Christ and thrown out of the Temple in the Bible. As a Psi-Lord I have reversed all their magical operations retrospectively so the black magician shreds his Archon possessor and causes torment to himself and all his works. Since the black magician in the vessel for dark energy matter CF Archonic entities, Insectiles, Reptiloids, Demons… the Anti-Black magic BPCs/PCs charge you with Psychotronic Fuel from all the black rituals of the Sanhedrin, Illuminati, Freemason as it tears them and their worlds apart.

1: The Anti-Magic Circle BPC/PC shreds all occult Circles so the black magician has no protection from the Demons he invokes to give him temporal power. It puts and Anti-CF Field on the Circle making the Demon turn on the black magician and all his works so they mutually destroy themselves releasing Psychotronic Fuel that can be used by the Psi-Master with the smokey quartz PC in left hand and BPC in left sock. If held in the right hand (PC) right sock (BPC) respectively the Psi-Master can use the stolen them by driving them mad using RI, wrecking their computers using Telekinesis, or using Psychokinesis to shape reality so it attacks the black magician remorselessly and terminates them and their evil.

Cost $600

2: The Anti-Magic Triangle of Art BPC/PC: We have seen that all Illuminati Freemason hierarchy is based on the threefold way. This is because black magicians invoke their demons in Triangles of Art to direct them to their targets. The ADR Matrix is based on the 3×3 Council of Nine Archons. This Psychotronic Generator shreds the Triangle of Art exploding it as psychic shrapnel poisoned to inflict non-healing wounds on the Demon so it turns on the black magician and destroys the black magician and his works. As a Psi-Lord I have tricked the Illuminati Archons into giving me their Power so I can wreck all their black magic for use as PF. Use in left hand (PC) left sock (BPC) to charge yourself as you wreck all black magic and main, kill their Demons to charge you with PF. Since there are so many Demons in the West the fuel supply is gigantic. Use in the right hand (PC) right sock (BPC) to direct the shrapnel maimed Demon at the black magician or every Illuminati Freemason you choose to attack using their own Demons. It acts retrospectively so wrecks all black magic past, present and future. The Ultimate kick ass BPC/PC for the Psi-Master black magic hunter (see Comes as a smokey quartz PC/BPC, tuned to wreck all back magic and make it turn on itself..

Cost $600

3: The Anti-Black Magic Sacrificial Knife BPC/PC. In all black magic the Sacrificial Knife, Sword, Athame is used to slit the throat of the child given to Satan so her/his blood can anoint the Satanists and their altar. This BPC/PC reverses the effect of the Sacrificial Knife so the Satanist harms himself as he cuts the throat, or penetrates the child victim with his Athame. By reversing the effect the Psi-Master gains fuel from the Satanist harming themselves as they harm the street children, sect children used for sacrifice. Any magical Circle drawn with the Athame is reversed with all it’s effects. By doing this black magic is ruined as the sacrifice of children is the core of feeding the Demons upon which black magic depends. The Psi-Master can use the BPC/PC in the left sock, hand mode to use as a massive PF Source or in the right hand/sock mode (PC/BPC) to direct the Sacrificial Knifes energy into the heart, brain or energy body of the Satanist to cause, heart attack, stroke or poisoned wand in the Archon possessing the Illuminati respectively. A knife in the heart of Illuminati.

Cost $600

4: The Anti-Black Magic Pentagram. In black magic the Satanist calls up Demons in the Triangle of Art, directs them to the victim, the Satanist enclosed in a Circle, a Pentagram inscribed with the names of Yaltabaoth used to protect him from the Demon’s attack. Having placed Yaltabaoth in a Psi-Prison, the Pentagram now is reversed in effect so when the Satanist tries to use it to ward off the irate Demon it instead attracts the Demon to destroy the Illuminati and all his works. Getting evil to destroy itself by posing as a scapegoat is the common play of Psi-Lords to feely get evil to give permission for the Psi-Lord to inflict evil beyond the Satanists worst nightmare on the paedophile murderer – just because a Psi-Lord is evolved, does not preclude evolved vengeance and wrath, the road to Power is unconditional hatred to evil. By taking away the Satanists Power to protect themselves from the evil they conjure one guarantees the destruction of all Illuminati and their works. To use for PF hold in left hand/sock (PC/BPC) or to guide the Demon to destroy any Illuminati, their banks, corporations, countries… just hold in right hand, sock (PC/BPC) and guide the evil conjured to attack one Illuminati or target. The way to take protection away from the Illuminati so they get hurt by their own evil – ironic justice.

Cost $600

5: The Anti-Black Magic Altar PC/BPC reverses the effect of the stone Altar used by the Satanist so the power flow is away from the Illuminati to the Psi-Master who can suck the power out of the black magician to power his/her Psi-technology. A subversion, control Psi-Technology to tap into the Stone used by the Satanist and using knowledge of Psychotronic Generators reverse the flow so it acts not as a Psychic Amplifier but a Psychic Sink for the unwitting Illuminati who has no idea of anything but black magic, not future science of PGs. This means all black magicians feed the Psi-Master via their Altars world wide so their evil turns on them and powers the Psi-Master. As the Illuminati is an ignorant primitive they have no protection against future science. The BPC/PC to turn all Satanist Altar Stones into Psychotronic Generators to shred the Satanist rather than give him Power, a sequestration PC to turn the Illuminati Altar Stone into an Anti-CF PG to burn all Archonic Demons and their Illuminati for PF. A quantum leap is turning all black magic to hurt the evil doer. Simply hold the PC/BPC in left hand/sock to use all Satanic Altars past, present and future for PF. Or hold in right hand/sock (PC/BPC) to redirect the Satanic evil against the Satanist, any Illuminati, their institution or country to wreck, ruin it using the Illuminati evil to turn against itself.

Cost $600

6: The Anti-Black Magic Talisman BPC/PC. The Illuminati have a variety of Talismans inscribed with the names of Yaltabaoth to make their will manifest. Many Satanic rituals are used to charge the occultist Talismans to give the Illuminati Power over the temporal world. Corporations have been giving away Talismans with their logo to drain life-force out of the customer to boost profits for the Corporation. Many psychics give away free triangular Satanic Talismans to drain the unwitting people who freely accept them. This BPC/PC reverses the effect so all occult Talismans drain the Satanist and charge the Psi-Master with power as they destroy the Illuminati. The Psi-stealth weapon to get the black magician to make a weapon you can use to drain them dry for PF in left side mode or control direct them to destroy themselves and their works in right side BPC/PC mode. Turns all occult PGs into lethal weapons to kill Satanists – black magic is now reversed to harm the Satanist with Psi. Now in control, black magic is relegated to self abuse and destruction of Illuminati infrastructure for PF. The 2013 age of Psi-Masters is unveiled.

Also works on Sigils and Amulets of Satanists. A multispectrum Illuminati Anti-PG Psychotronic Crystal BPC/PC using the weakness of all non Time Rifat Class PGs.

Cost $600

7: The Anti-Black Magic Mind Control PC/BPC. This Psychotronic Generator takes control of the human vessel used by the Archon that is the Illuminati, shreds the Archon and takes control of the Satanist to make them reverse all their rituals retrospectively past present and future. All the legions of paedophile torture murderers called occultists now are used to drain the Archons, destroy Demons and smash the Anglo Demonic Reality against their will, possessed by the force of the Anti-Black magic Mind Control PC/BPC specially designed to remotely influence, telekinetically control their physical reality and psychokinetically control all their dimensions of evil to destroy themselves by fighting each other. Use in left side mode for PF, right side mode for Mind Control of all the bodies of Satanists worldwide, or retroactively to turn all Crowleys, Israel Regardies, Solomans’s, Abrahemelin against the Satanist. Gives the Psi-Master total control over the black magic world. Full spectrum dominance after Satanism to destroy it utterly.

Cost $600

8: The Anti-Black Magic Psychic Amplifier is the ultimate extension of the Anti-Magic theme, since all black magic is an aspect of the Circular Force the use of Pulsar Psi-technology to reverse the spin to an Anti-CF in he eighth time dimension of the dark energy matter Archons completely reverses all the black magic in time making it more the other way in effect. This results in all the evil projected from the Illuminati, Demons, Archons… flowing back to them collapsing all their works in the process, akin to reversing a film. Use of the Anti-Black magic Psychic Amplifier boosts the Psi-abilities of the user to destroy black magic by manipulating time as the dark energy matter beings know it, it is more space like to them than our perceived time. As a Time Lord the Psi-Master takes the first step to becoming a Psi-Lord. With the use of the Anti-Black magic Psychic Amplifier the Psi-Master can reverse the flow of events of the Satanists… Archons and in left side mode the BPC/PC produces PF by burning Archonic time, twisting it, reversing it and collapsing time. In right side mode the BPC/PC can be used to focus this Anti-Black Magic on the target Satanist, Corporation, country or Archon, Demon to make them the subject of the evil they generated, ultimate ironic justice made manifest.

Cost $600

Since the Archons have 7 dimensions of space and one of time the use of all 8 Anti-Black Magic PCs/BPCs traps the Archons, Illuminati, Demons… in the Anti-Black Magic kill zone for total termination. The 8 Anti-Black Magic Psychic Amplifiers enable the user to destroy all black magic rituals and effects globally. When any Satanist carries out a black magical ritual it backfires feeding your 8 Anti-Black Psychic Amplifiers, since black magic is practised in every major and minor Western city nightly as well as daily by the corporate Satanists then there is a steady flow of PF into your Anti-Black Psychic Amplifiers that you can use as a Power Point for all your Psi-activities. If you live in the West this gives you a superb source of Psychotronic Fuel to feed into your Total BSRI-Engine to pump up your Devic Body by use of the SuperPower PCs (, Left Awareness PCs to boost LV, Right Awareness PC to boost LD; Sex PCs to boost your physical/psychic sex; 7 PCs to boost your psychic abilities (, BSRI-Engine to boost your Telekinesis/Psychokinesis; Grail Crystals to change the nature of reality, Luck Engines ( to takeover the money markets; Orgone Generators to power your life-force; Matrix Burners to shred the Matrix ( in concert with the centre of decisions, PGs to control reality; Chakra PGs to free all your links to the Matrix ( Power Rings to rule reality as a Psi-Ruler, Orbs to power your voyages beyond the Matrix. To use as a Power Source simply place Anti-black Magic Psychic Amplifier in left sock (BPC) left hand (PC) to give you a non stop source of energy to power any PC or Psi-activity. Add to the Total Demon Shredder to provide the ultimate PF Source or to control all the black magic in the Matrix to redirect it against any target you please (except of course the originator of this technology – I always like more PF). In right side mode the Anti-Black Magic PC/BPCs enable you to operate any black magic in reverse globally and retrospectively to bring down any Illuminati, organisation or country used to link into any occult ritual you reverse it to shred the Demons for PF or send them against any Illuminati, Archon or each other as well as their works. This enables the Psi-Master to subvert black magic for power by using the Demons as PF as well as Illuminati, reversing all their works. A great power for the Psi-Master who wishes to gain temporal power without loss of his/her Soul.

All 8 Anti-Black Magic PCs/BPCs can be bought as a matched set for $4800.

To burn occult rituals simply put a photocopy of the ritual, or the book in which it’s carried out… can be used on any occult Talisman, Amulet, counterfeit PC, magic tools, photo of occultist, Illuminati. The able Psi-Master will go through all the major occult rituals shredding them and every occultist who ever carried them out plus associated Demons and the things they have built up – the West for PF in the process of the Matrix to freedom. The use of the occult for PF as shown on is the basis for all Psi-Mastership as energy is the only thing you need to attain all the capabilities of a Psi-Master and beyond.

Use of the Anti-Black Magic BPCs/PCs with the 12 Psi-Crosses and True Eve/Anti-Atbash BPCs/PCs sets the ADR on fire burning a hole in the fabric of the ADR around the Psi-Master that like napalm does not go out, supplying the Psi-Master with PF by consuming the ADR with respect to herself/himself. Use with the 12 Aeon Burners amplifies the burning of the 12 Aeon Psi-Hell as it was constructed using black magic, it also sets alight the Demons and Greys in all Westerners to supply PF to the Psi-Master from the mass shredding of the millions of evil entities that afflict every Westerner in every Zionist state. The Psi-Master can carry out in his/her mind’s eye any occult ritual with the 8 BPC/PC Anti-Black Magic PGs to target, shred the Demonic entities associated with every black magic procedure such as the: Goetia, Gap (the entity beloved of Crowley), Servitors, Sigils, Tarot entities, Qlipoth vermin, insectiles of Crowley’s devotees the OTO… Enochian Demons, Kabbalah Demons… with the 8 Anti-Black Magic BPCs/PCs the Psi-Master can systematically hunt, kill and kill again the Demons to supply Psychotronic Fuel (PF) for her/his Psi; a superb fuel Source built up after the ages by Satanists now ready to exploit, like I have done, to shred for fuel bringing down the whole Satanic pack of cards called the ADR, Matrix, and Over Matrix (see

The Total BSRI-Engine of 34 BPCs/PCs breaks you free of the Matrix, to do this it needs fuel this it can attain by steady accumulation if you live in a city, or by PF Sources such as the Total Demon Shredder 36 PCs, Anti-Black Magic BPCs/PCs augmented by 12 Psi-Crosses and or 12 Aeon Burners to burn the ADR.