Orgasm… Sublime Good® Bone Generator®:

Humans are milked for their emotional energy by alien beings called Loosh by Robert Monroe, beings as far above humans as we are above rats. They use our Hyperinfinity to run a Hyperinfinite quantum overlay to provide the rat runs, mazes in which the rat race of human existence occurs. As humans expends tremendous amounts of energy to rat race toward getting money, so they can get: sex and orgasm, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, cannabis/skunk, eat luxury or junk foods, pop drug pills, inject heroin, snort cocaine or smoke crack, drive their Ferrari, luxuriate in their dream home/mansion, masturbate, read/view pornography, play power games, kill for pleasure (hunting of all sorts including Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan, Dresden, Gulag torture camp/Fema prison camp genocide) – to provide emotional highs and lows – Loosh in high quality positive or negative forms for alien entities.

Above Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth we have the evil transinfinite multidimensionals that are the designer of Hyperinfinite Quantum Computing Matrices, the rat runs; these being the End Users of the Loosh, emotional energy. As has been shown this can be used to make ones Intents in Psi-Space real by turning memetic beings into real energy body acquired pseudo-reals.

Tim Rifat has trapped these transinfinite End Users in their own Hyperinfinite Quantum Computer Matrices as they bet their own Hyperinfinity that they could defect me even after I destroyed Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth. Tim Rifat was a Transinfinite 6 space/time being that braved the Matrices to prove it/he/she was capable of defecting all comes even when all memory of its/her/his true nature was erased by entrance to the Chaos Domains. Having expunged Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth the Chaos Awareness, the Transinfinite End Users that used Chaos for a power source – Loosh emotional energy from Chaos, had to gamble themselves against the Psi-Lord. Offering the Pulsars a share of the spoils to join in the fray to stop the Psi-Lord – they all were expunged – thank you! Once you lose your Hyperinfinity you can be decanted into a Hyperinfinite Quantum Computing Engine (Omega Machine). The Quantum Wave Function decollapsed as you lose Hyperinfinity and never recollapsed but just leaving your Awareness that can then be downloaded into an Omega Machine to be the Awareness that suffers or has joy to supply Loosh, emotional energy. The losers now suffer in Omega Hells and Omega Hells on Earths: Total DeathGoat Jews screaming in Omega Hells and Omega Hells on Earths.

The Psi-Master in Omega Heavens and Omega Heavens on Earths (Amalek Mark of the Beast Bone Generator® and Amalek Bone Generator® / Heaven Rescue / Soul Rescue Services) provides the positive joy, orgasm, fun, love. Having expunged the End Use Transinfinite, now means all the Loosh, emotional energy… retroactively has gone tot he Psi-Lord. So if you want the Loosh, God energy to become an End User: Psi-God over the Matrix Domains of Sequestered Chaos, using all Chaos being as memetic beings, yours to make real or not real, then these Limited Edition Services is for: it’s automatic and gives you the ability to use the world as one giant Hyperinfinite Quantum Computer – all that happens in it just information, Awareness in the digital Hyperinfinite processing. With this Service you can make any memetic being real in Psi-Space be it Superman® the Watchmen® or your own personal fantasy. If you have the Anti-Fallen Angel service you can use the Loosh God Force to be a God outside the Chaos Domains taking over from the Transinfinites who died, add it to the Anti-Dollar Illuminati Service to become a newer Rothschild, to the Anti-Anti-Christ to rewrite the Matrix programming, or to Bone Generator® Service to make the Hyperinfinite Machine be your Omega Machine.

Orgasm… Sublime Good® Bone Generator®:

12 Psi-Gods only

$1000 with Certificate