The Chakra Rescue Service

The Chakras are the barb point of the insectile parasite that burrows down into babies and feeds off all humanity (see Carlos Castaneda the Active Side of Infinity: chapter on Mudshadows). These barbs rupture the energy body of the human and makes the chakra vortices holes in the body. They pin the human in space like scalar to the matrix. They pin the biophysical soul body to the middle place so you can be eternally  tortured after death. Meditating on the chakras fuses your awareness with the parasite so you can never escape. Raising your Kundalini fuses your sex energy with the parasite so all your energy is the parasite´s and your babies are parasitised, while all your sexual acts that dont produce babies make new parasites from your sexual energy.

The Chakra Rescue Service corrects all this and can be seen to be absolutely vital to everyone who has ever meditated on their chakras. People who have never heard of chakras can be sure a simple soul rescue will suffice but anyone who has ever meditated on their chakras in any way is eternally doomed. The Psi-Lord is only offering a limited number of chakra rescues as it involves a lot of work and requires changing the past to undo you before you undo you. As the Psi-Lord becomes richer and richer the price will go up and be only available to the very rich. You have been warned order now or live in a living hell and die in a parasitical undead hell: Enjoy!

Price: $10000